Saturday, March 3, 2012

Earache Remedy

Talk about ridiculously simple. This earache remedy is one of my favorites. Although mullein grows abundantly here, and its flowers make a superb infused oil for earaches, I am too lazy to do that. So here, in its stead, is an earache remedy for dummies and lazy folks.

Take a 1 oz. dropper bottle.
Fill 3/4 of the way with rubbing alcohol.
Add 3 drops tea tree essential oil.
Cap and shake.

Add 2 drops to the affected ear as needed.

This remedy is found in several of Rosemary Gladstar's books. My mother-in-law also confirms that rubbing alcohol alone is used in Mexico as a folk remedy for ear infections and ear pains of all types.

We rarely to never get ear infections or earaches, but in early December, I developed one in both ears that was excruciating. We were on the road and the first thing I did when we got home was mix this up. It provided instant relief. In January, Isaiah got some water stuck in his ears by over-zealous neti-potting, and woke up at 2 am screaming with ear pain. These drops also worked in moments for him.

"Ah, me, herbs cannot cure love!"

1 comment:

  1. It was a very useful remedy for my earache, it worked wonders. I think that using warm coconut or olive oils also greatly helps in relieving the pain. Thank you for posting this!

    how to cure an earache
