Friday, November 11, 2011

Sick Kid Shake

I decided to knit a scarf today. Isaiah begged to be taught to knit. So, with great trepidation, I agreed to give him a lesson. We’ve tried many times before with disastrous results, but today he chose some blue yarn to make a scarf as a Christmas gift for his little brother, watched very carefully and then, flawlessly, executed 3 rows of stitches. Phew.

Then we made a big, green shake. It’s a variation I like to call Sick Kid Shake.

Sick Kid Shake
2 very ripe bananas
2c spinach or 2 heaping Tablespoons green powder
1 ounce black cherry concentrate
1 ounce elderberry syrup
3 heaping Tablespoons protein powder
3c frozen fruits
4 droppersful Echinacea tincture
Water enough to thin
Stevia to taste

Everyone drank a nice, big glass. I’ve recently discovered a new protein powder. It’s called “fermented soy powder.” Regular soy is controversial and is definitely a thyroid interruptor, so I try to avoid it. But fermented soy- tempeh, miso, soy yogurt- doesn’t cause the same problems. Of course, most fermented soy isn’t particularly delicious, so I was a little nervous about it. But this NOW Foods Fermented Soy Powder is very mild-tasting. So much so that I can stir it into a bowl of oatmeal and no one minds.

It’s nice to kill 2 birds with one stone in a shake- fruits and veggies plus protein. I haven’t used protein powder since we went dairy-free because most non-dairy protein tastes… well, bad. And most protein powders of any sort are full of junk ingredients and fillers. This NOW powder is very clean, and like I said, very delicious. It will be nice for my next pregnancy to have a ‘legal’ protein powder for my shakes; blood sugar can be very sensitive to such a big sugar rush- even if it is from fruit- during pregnancy, so adding a protein element to a pregnancy shake is helpful for me.

My kids have fevers and I have baby fever….

Hope your weekend is great!

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home."
~Edith Sitwell

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