Thursday, August 25, 2011

What Your Green Smothie NEEDS

Beautiful. Ounce upon ounce of green, frothy energy. (This green shake is actually a nice chartreuse due to a high volume of soy-coconut yogurt!)
But it's missing something, isn't it?

Isn't that so much better???????????????

Ummm, what is that you ask?

Why it's a hand-blown, reinforced-tip glass straw, silly!

We've been straw-free for some time around here. Those super-cheapies don't stand up to serious smoothie sucking, and no way I'm splurging on the good straws! But sometimes, let's just get it out in the open, a green smoothie can taste ok and smell... not so ok.

Enter These are heavy-duty sippers, folks! They are hand-blown in the USA of borosilicate glass- the same stuff Pyrex is made of. And I dropped one on our laminate floor. Didn't break. Phew!

They come in plain glass, but all our samples have colored tips or dots to help you differentiate whose is whose. My favorite by far:
this petite bent straw is picture perfect for my baby's smoothies, cocoas, and teas. He's delighted with it!

The straws come in 2 different diameters, regular and also a bit bigger for thick smoothies. We could slurp pretty well even out of the smaller diameter straws because they don't collapse like el plasticos. (I'm fluent in Spanglish.)
(It's really difficult to take good pictures of crystal-clear objects.

Rosie has claimed the pink-tipped straw already, of course, and Isaiah, the amber-tip. These feel sooooo good in your mouth. We are pretty much in love with these babies.

If you rinse them right away they come totally clean, but also sells a really nifty, inexpensive cleaning brush in case you, ya know, leave your smoothie glasses on the counter over night- grooooooan. Hate it when I do that!

The talented and generous folks over at have graciously given BreadwithHoney a set of these gorgeous, handmade creations to give away! To enter the drawing, comment on a post (intelligently, please, "Dude, cool!" is not going to count here) and when I'm up to 50 followers, I'll draw from the commenters for the straw set.

I encourage you to mosey on over to and look around. Their prices are very reasonable, and I think they would make superb Christmas gifts for everyone I know who has everything they reasonably need or want. Which, this being America, is pretty much all of us. So I kinda hope no one related to me wins the giveaway.

"Life is an onion and one cries while peeling it."
~French Proverb

"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon."
~Doug Larson


  1. fun! those are really neat, hadn't seen those! I just ran a glass straw co-op, can't wait to get ours!

  2. The straws are beautiful. And I love the spanglish. And I hope I win (Inigo).
