Friday, April 29, 2011

Nature Study and a Not-So Homemade Dinner

Lots of things didn't get done today.
Lots of dishes didn't get washed.
Lots of toys didn't get put away.
Lots of little santos didn't get their beards glued on.

But lots of other things happened.
Geese were watched;
paths were trod;
turtles sunned
and we sunned, too.

Rosie declined the invitation to draw, but here is Isaiah's nature jourmal for today:

He loves to draw action. I always absent-mindedly suggest he draw, you know, bark and berries and grasses. But he always goes for movement. A swimming turtle in the pond below us, then a kestrel having a feisty moment with its dead mouse in the nature center! He enjoys the challenge and anymore I try very hard to not suggest what he draw.

Many days we are too busy enjoying ourselves to pull out the nature guides but today we did manage to identify a burr oak. We also saw a group of four baby ducks (look close, they are there!)
and a lone egret.

So naturally we were exhausted at 4 pm when we made it back to our car. Dinner was on my mind and brain fog was taking over. Luckily I had a plan in place or it might have been oatmeal with the little energy I could muster by the time we pulled into the drive. Not that I have a problem with oatmeal for dinner. We love oatmeal around here.

It is hummus night. Contrary to local belief, I am not a perfectionist in the kitchen, though they don't call me the nutrition nazi for nothing. I am no good at hummus. I take pride in what my kitchen can turn out on a good day, but my family won't touch my hummus. Put me in the box of shame. But store-bought hummus is usually really salty and the spices overdone. So I toss a can of Eden organic garbanzo beans, with the liquid, in the blender. (Eden is now the only can brand I'll buy. Eden is the only company in the US whose cans are NOT bpa-lined. Eden is now producing glass preserved beans, too.) Mix that with the store hummus- we like Sabra brand- top with extra virgin olive oil, salt, and paprika.
Add organic carrot sticks, barely-cooked organic broccoli, and Kashi crackers (our favorite "fast food treat"). And dinner you have. In 18 minutes. Healthy, cheaper than the drive-through, and all said, probably quicker, too. This meal is standard when I'm pregnant. But then the hummus must come from Bella Luna Cafe. Mmmmmmm.
And a wee toddler plate, just because it is so cute.
A pleine aire feast to end a pleine aire day.

"Never be within doors when you could rightly be without."
-Charlotte Mason

She knew you cut down on temper tantrums by 87% that way....

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